How to Automatically Refresh Web Pages Using Golang

How to Automatically Refresh Web Pages Using Golang

In this tutorial, we will learn about “How to Automatically Refresh Web Pages Using Golang”. If you come from a web application development background, you must be aware that how live reloading feature enhances the development experience by automatically updating the web pages as code changes are made. For those who are new to this concept, let me give ou a overview of what this tutorial is really about.

Let us assume you are developing a web page which returns Hello World in response whenever anyone open your web page. During the web page development, you will do the changes many times till your code  becomes robust. During the whole development cycle, every time you make some changes to your web page, you have to refresh the browser to see the latest changes you have made (if you are using local browsers to test the web pages). This tutorial will guide you on how to automate the page reload process without hitting the refresh button in the browser. So let us get started with the tutorial.


How to Automatically Refresh Web Pages Using Golang

Also Read: How to Validate Password Pattern in Golang [Step by Step Guide]

So far we understood about auto reload feature which is quite helpful for every web developer. Now the next question is how to achieve this feature?. There are many different ways to achieve this. The solution which we will talk about and implement is in Golang. There is an open source Golang utility available which is called “gin” (do not misunderstood this with gin web framework. both are separate thing).

The gin is a command line utility which is developed to live-reload Go web applications. This is easy going utility and just using few steps, you can easily integrate with your application. We will learn about using this utility with our web applications in the next section.


  • Windows Operating System Installed
  • VS Code IDE Installed
  • Any browser Installed (Chrome is used in this tutorial)
  • Basic Understanding of Windows cmd Commands


Step-1: Create New Project

In this step, we will create a new Golang  project. To do so, create a new folder in your local system and open the folder in VS Code as shown below. I have named the project as “go-live-reload”.


Step-2: Create go.mod File

In this step, create a new go.mod file at the project level. To do so, use the go mod init <modul-name> command as shown below. You can give any module name in the below command.

PS D:\go-project\go-live-reload> go mod init
go: creating new go.mod: module

After creating the go.mod file, the content of it will look like below. Initially this file will only contain the installed go version.

go 1.21.0


Step-3: Install gin Module

In this step, install the gin module which is open source Golang utility available at using below command. Please note that the gin utility which we are installing  is different from the gin web  framework.

PS D:\go-project\go-live-reload> go install
go: downloading v0.0.0-20230218063734-2c98d96c9244
go: finding module for package


go: found in v1.22.14
go: downloading v2.0.2



Note: gin utility is found at codegangsta/gin for reference.


Step-4: Verify the gin Utility Installation

In this step, after installing the gin module, verify the installation by executing below command.  If you get the gin help page in the command output, it means the utility has been installed successfully.

PS D:\go-project\go-live-reload> gin --help
gin - A live reload utility for Go web applications.

gin.exe [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

run, r Run the gin proxy in the current working directory
env, e Display environment variables set by the .env file
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command

--laddr value, -l value listening address for the proxy server [%GIN_LADDR%]
--port value, -p value port for the proxy server (default: 3000) [%GIN_PORT%]
--keyFile value TLS Certificate Key [%GIN_KEY_FILE%]
--logPrefix value Log prefix (default: "gin") [%GIN_LOG_PREFIX%]
--notifications Enables desktop notifications [%GIN_NOTIFICATIONS%]
--help, -h show help

We are now all set to integrate and use the gin module with our web application. Next step is to create a simple web applictaion in Golang which will print the message Hello World to the end user. Please follow the below steps  in sequential manner to create a simple Golang web application.


Step-5: Create Golang Web Application

In this step create a new file in the current project called “main.go” and add below code to it. This code will create a simple Web server which will serve the response to the end user whenever the endpoint “/” at the localhost is hit by the end user.

package main

import (

func handleFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World")

func main() {

    http.HandleFunc("/", handleFunc)
    http.ListenAndServe(":3030", nil)


Next, start the server by executing below command.


After the server is started, open any browser in your system and type the url “localhost:3030” as our server is running on port 3030. It will display the message  “Hello World” on the screen as shown below.

Step-6: Integrate gin Module with Web Application

Next, now that we have created a simple web application, we will integrate the “gin” module in our web app. Let us first execute the below command then we will understand the command usage and purpose.
PS D:\go-project\go-live-reload> gin -p 80 -a 3030 run main.go
[gin] Listening on port 80
[gin] Building...
[gin] Build finished
In the above command:
-p 80: port on which proxy server runs
-a 3030: port on which Go web server runs


As you notice, the gin proxy server is listening on port 80 and our web server is running on port 3030. Now when you hit the endpoint at “localhost:80“, the request will be forwarded to the proxy server and from here the request will reach the web server.
Let us now make some changes in our code. We will modify the message as shown below and save the file.
func handleFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello World, This is golang gin Tutorial")


Next, after making the change, save the file. The moment you save the file, gin proxy server will auto-reload the server. Now if you refresh the browser and run the url “localhost:80“, you will see the updated message as shown below.


Next, refresh the browser using refresh button as highlighted below and make sure you are hitting the localhost on port 80 and not on port 3000 as request is now forwarded to the proxy server.



gin act as a proxy server which forwards the request to the web server.


So far we have integrated the gin module with our web app which helps us to auto-reload the web server whenever there is a code change.  But one thing to notice is that we still have to click on that refresh button on the browser to see the updated change. So our next job is to find out a way to view the latest changes in response e on the browser without hitting the refresh button.
There are many ways to achieve this. For example, we can install the Chrome browser plugin called “Easy Auto Refresh” which auto reloads the changes in the browser. Another way is make this work via code changes in the web application itself. I will continue and demonstrate the later method i.e we will modify our web application to achieve this goal. So let’s see how can we do it.


Go back to your main.go file and make below changes in the file. The updated main.go file will now look something like below.
package main

import (

func handleFunc(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

    var file = "message.html"
    t, _ := template.ParseFiles(file)
    t.ExecuteTemplate(w, file, nil)

func main() {

    http.HandleFunc("/", handleFunc)
    http.ListenAndServe(":3030", nil)


In the above code, what we have done is that we have created a new variable called “file”. This variable will get the data assigned to it from another file called message.html (We will create this file in a moment). We are then parsing the variable file and data from this variable will be served to the end user.


At the project level, create a new file called message.html add the message to you want to return in response to the end user as shown below. In the below code, we have used  html “meta” tag which auto-refresh the browser every 1 sec as configured in the field  called “content”.
    <!--add the meta element which will refresh the page every 1 sec. refresh time is configurable using the field content in the meta element below -->
    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1" />
        Hello World!!


Now, open the browser again and refresh the browser one last time. Again come back to the message.html file and modify the message content as shown below.
        Hello World!!, Please subscribe if you like my tutorials.
This time, when you open the browser you will the updated message without hiting the refresh button.



If you have reached to the end of this tutorial, congratulation !. You have successfully integrated the gin module with your web application and achieved the goal to auto-reload the web pages.

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